Best English Cider

Seacider has won many ‘cider of festival’ awards all across England. You can check out our awards on our social media pages or you subscribe to our monthly newsletter where we proudly announce our recent awards and the flavour of cider that won the award.

Seacider is from the sunny coast of Southern England. Launched in the city of Brighton 2015, Seacider is now a well-known cider drink served throughout the UK. Our cider has won numoruous awards from Cider & Beer festivals across England.

We distribute and export a wide range of ciders and we meet all UK/Global exporting regulations for ease of business.

  • Medium, Medium Dry, Fruit Flavoured cider

  • Packaged in bottles, kegs and bag in box

Delicious English Cider.

Our apples have been sourced from various farms across Southern England . All of these apples have been rejected from the supermarket chains for being the wrong colour, size or shape.

Have any questions?
If you’re interested in finding out more about our cider export service UK, send us an email to